Yes, I love my hair... I love my long hair.
I like that my hair often looks really awesome in pictures!!!
Like the 3 pictures below.
But what I dislike most is that my hair looks dry.
My hair needs TREATMENT!!!
My hair is definitely in need of a
new and refreshing COLOR!!!
And I am guilty of trimming my hair only when I go for my hair color-treatment sessions. Thus, my hair requires a good TRIM too!!!
Yes, these dreadful dry-looking hair with split ends!
My hair needs TREATMENT!!!
My hair is definitely in need of a
new and refreshing COLOR!!!
And I am guilty of trimming my hair only when I go for my hair color-treatment sessions. Thus, my hair requires a good TRIM too!!!
Yes, these dreadful dry-looking hair with split ends!
How my hair looks like after a shampoo/condition wash at home.
After air-drying my hair, no hair-dryer or hair product used. Dry, eh?

Yes, my wavy hair that someone can really do something to save me from, you say?
And of cos, those black hair roots too...

And rescue came in the form of my
*drums roll*
The newly-opened Salon De Choix, which is conveniently located at Killiney Road (only a 5-minutes walk from Somerset MRT!), will be providing my hair with lots of TLC and transforming the way my hair looks from now onwards (which I am absolutely delighted about, and proud to have them as my hair salon sponsor)! Million awesome hugs to them! :p
Check out their posh and chic decor and interior,
complete with their sleek layout!
Have a seat on one of the armchairs that await you, that is accompanied by a cushion for your comfort. Lean back on the cushion as your hair gets revitalized and transformed... Or have the cushion on your lap, while you browse through the up-to-date magazines which are provided for your reading pleasure. I especially like the abundance feel of mirrors all around. Oh, and I have to say, that I LOVE the music playlist of the salon. On my first hair makeover with them, I heard the current popular songs, as well as melodious Italian emotional songs which tugged at my heart strings.
I think I looked good here.
But I will look even better after my hair makeover, trust me.
See the last few pics in this blog post. :p
See the last few pics in this blog post. :p
This is my long, brown, need-to-color-treatment-and-trim
My Outfit for the Day!
I think my hair looked totally fab on this day.
But I cheated, as I used my Schwarzkopf satin drop to tame the ends. Hee! :p
I think my hair looked totally fab on this day.
But I cheated, as I used my Schwarzkopf satin drop to tame the ends. Hee! :p
Once seated, my Senior Hair Stylist, Jerry, handed me magazines.
(Cool, they have Cosmopolitan.) :p
Out of the many Hot & Cold drinks that I could choose from.I had Coke Light.
Certainly a soothing reliefas the weather that day was BLAZING HOT!
Certainly a soothing reliefas the weather that day was BLAZING HOT!
A delight to have a packet of biscuits to snack on too.
Jerry sat down with me for a hair consultation, where I shared with him my hair concerns, my lifestyle and my preferences for the style and color. Afterwhich, he advised me accordingly and gave me suggestions. I liked that he keeps himself updated to the latest hair trends and colors. With the many years of experiences to his name (plus he had experiences working for fashion shows/ hair shows), I know I can trust him with my precious hair. He won't ruin mine, as well as yours. ;)
This is my dear stylist, Jerry. Trimming my hair for me.
As my hair is around my hips area, I had no qualms when he took 4 inches of hair length off me. Yes, he did asked how much of hair length he could reduce mine too. So if you are on your way of keeping a longer hair length, just tell him and I am sure he will know what to do. He also layered my hair which I was super glad about as I do have thick tresses.
No, he doesn't smile when working on your hair.
He likes to concentrate, so professional right?
I had to tell him to smile (for the pic below), just as I snapped.
Luckily he doesn't smile when he was trimming my hair.... I'd thought that he was mad. :p
But he is very friendly and we got along really well, chatting most of the times.
And yes, you can see how my hair is in need of a fresh color job badly, in the picture below!
See the color difference! OMGosh!
I told you I trust Jerry. And I really do. I simply told him the type of base color (warm chocolate brown) which I want, along with highlights. He offered to show me the color chart as a confirmation, but I told him no need to. I really trust him to concoct the dye to the brown shade which I was hoping for.
And no, I did not want to do an ombre color dye for my hair. Not that I don't want, BUT I personally don't like to bleach my hair, and moreover, I have a job which requires me to have the corporate look. Looking trendy and hip is awesome, but..... Corporate look equals to... Corporate. So Jerry countered that by giving me a base color, and 2 highlight tones. One of the highlight tone would be done in a way that it 'peeks' out at my bottom hair length to the ends. So much so that if it was a brighter color like pink or red for those highlights, it will be like ombre/dip-dyeing already. Thus, I love that Jerry was able to accommodate to me (and my job) and gave me something interesting too! ^_^
Getting my highlights done.
Mid-afternoon snack! Cup noodles!
I really adore this form of service from the salon.
Not allowing their customers to go hungry. Yums!
My Helmet. :p
It's cooling! Not warm air! 凉凉的!
So I had my cup noodles while reading my Cosmopolitan magazine...
When it was time to rinse off the hair dye and for a relaxing shampoo wash, I was EXCITED. Firstly, I like to have my hair washed by others as it feels very relaxing to have my scalp massaged. I bet you know what I mean. Tee hee. But the best part is that Salon De Chiox raise up the COMFORT & RELAXING level by 1000 times by fitting in MASSAGE CHAIRS, rather than the normal chairs for customers to lie on.
Yes, you read it right... Chairs that have a remote control to operate the massaging functions. It was ultra relaxing and I wish that I have ultra thick or long hair like Rapunzel so that more time had to be spent to wash my hair, and I will get to enjoy it while having my shoulder-to-calves-massage. Hee!
Hair as thick and long like this, maybe? :p
Doing a hair treatment is of course, advisable, after you colored your hair. For me, it is always a MUST. And I know my hair condition will improve after the Keratase treatment that Jerry which he did for me next. No more frizzy or dry-looking hair... And my new hair color will be better protected, last longer and will have more radiance after the hair treatment!
Once again, Jerry sat down with me and went through the following hair profiling and needs with me, in order to tailor-made the hair treatment according to my hair condition and needs >>>
My Customized Hair Treatment
Jerry poured the Booster Polyphenols (the pink one)
into the Concentre Oleo-Fusion (the orange one).
The highly-concentrated doses of active ingredients that were mixed together made it easier and cmore convenient to target my two hair concerns at once. The Concentre Oleo-Fusion provided the intense nourishment for ,my dry hair with shine and softness, while the Booster Polyphenols gave an antioxidant protection and long-lasting shine for my newly colour-treated hair.
Jerry followed by spraying the mixed treatment potion (Yes, the magic of it! Oh mann~) onto my towel-dried, slightly-damp hair and gently rub it into the lower portion of my tresses. While waiting for time to pass while I awaited for my hair to receive its special treatment, I continued to read magazines and drank a cup of hot green tea.
Soon after, it was time to rinse my hair again, while seated on the comfortable hair salon massage chair. I know there are salons in UK and Japan that has the massage chairs for their customers to lie on while they have their hair washed. Not sure if Salon De Choix is the first in Singapore to have it... But all I can say is that it is the first time that I heard (and seen and tried) a salon in Singapore that has these! :)
Next is the final step to enhance my whole image, once I step out of Salon De Choix - Hair Blowing and Styling! As I was going for dinner after that, Jerry did temporary curls for me using the hair curler. I do like how bouncy the curls were, but if I am to perm my hair (like a permanent perm), I would go for beachy wave instead.
And...... WE ARE DONE! After 5.5 hours!
Check me out in below pictures!!!
Loved the wavy fringe which Jerry did for me.
Mann.... Simply love the overall color!
I like this picture alot.
Jerry asked why I wanted to take in this angle... I really had no idea but I just like it.
Jerry asked why I wanted to take in this angle... I really had no idea but I just like it.
**Pictures below were taken back at home...
6 hours after I left the salon**
Check out my highlights!
My curls had loosened up by then but I felt it looked just as nice too! :p
Imagine if I tie up my hair?
Still looked just as nice with the highlights!
Still looked just as nice with the highlights!
My hair ends certainly look healthier and smoother now! YAY!
To have different shades of brown peeking out
with my different hairdos is certainly interesting.
"You'll never know what you'll get" :p
Given my time and the opportunity to interact with Jerry while he worked on my tresses, I feel that he was experienced and he knew what he was doing, as well as to meet my requests, with the aim to achieve what I was looking forward to. He did not try to force his ideas on me, but rather to offer suggestions. Jerry was patient and meticulous, and I liked that he made an effort to build a "relationship" where communication and customer satisfaction is key.
If you are interested to make an appointment at Salon De Choix,
mention my name 'Feliza' when you call to the salon
and get 15% discount off your total bill~
(Not applicable for promotions)
Salon De Choix is located at:
3 Killiney Road #01-06
Winsland House 1
Singapore 239519
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