This was a phone that I received from HTC as a prize last year.
It was lovely but it was not what my type, so I gave it away.
It was lovely but it was not what my type, so I gave it away.
Shortly after, I got the Apple iPhone 4 for myself via the Apple Store (that was in Aug IIRC) despite that I have ever declared that I will never own an Apple product. Ironic, isn't it? :X But well, I was won over by the slim and sleek design and how well it fits into a small clutch purse or my jeans pocket, and also by the nifty camera. These are basically what I need from my phone - Good camera and slim in size.
Ever since then, I have not regretted getting the iP4. What's more, Bbb also ordered the phone together with me! Despite being together for the few years, and changing phone models every year or so, we have never gotten the same phone model but only same phone brand... But FINALLY, we have our set of "couple phones". *HEH* Not that we got the iP4 on purpose, but just that he wanted that too. :)
Why I posted the picture as seen above was because I found it in one of my older draft posts, so I decided to post it up (don't let it go to 'waste'). My purpose of this blog entry is not about the iP4 since it is rather common already. But to share with you an awesome free app which I am currently addicted to.
It is.... INSTAGRAM!
Currently, the Instagram app is made available worldwide but only for iPhone users. I came across tweets from some friends who lamented about not being able to use this wonderful app as they are Android users. Which I would like to say, fret not, just wait for awhile more, as Instagram co-founder, Kevin Systrom, had announced that Instagram will be available to Android users... Though he did not mention the release date.
Instagram IS a phenomenon. In less than 3 months, 1 million people have registered as users. It took Foursquare and Twitter longer than that to reach to the 1 million mark. What is so great about it? What is it?
(1) You can snap a picture straight from the app and upload it to your account. Alternatively, you can upload a picture from your phone's photo album. But the photo that will be uploaded is in a square format.
(2) And before you upload it, there are many different filters that you can choose to make your photo look even more awesome. Photo manipulation is now so easy and quick, even for noobs like you and me!
(3) Afterwhich, you are able to tag the location of where you are. But please refrain from tagging if you do not want to let others know your current location of where you are at the time of you uploading the picture. Even if you were to add a custom location (eg. A corridor in NEX), but at the time of posting, you are at Paragon. The map will capture your location in Paragon, not NEX. So putting a custom location is not as safe too.
(4) I like the fact that Instagram managed to add social integration with other sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Foursquare. In this way, I can share my photo uploaded onto Instagram with people in my Twitter and Facebook accounts, as long as I link my accounts in Instagram.
(5) It is a social network where one can build friendships and share photography ideas and inspirations with others. I have seen many beautiful though-provoking work of arts by some brilliant IGers, as well as many others that are humorous and light-hearted.
I am @felizaong on Instagram.
See you there!
See you there!
Before I go,
here's some photos which I have uploaded onto my Instagram account. (^_^)/
here's some photos which I have uploaded onto my Instagram account. (^_^)/
And this was the picture I posted in my Instagram last night.
I had strawberries after dinner.

See ya! And happy IGing away!
1 Response to Instagram for iPhone only. Soon for Android users.
You are so beautiful. Very attractive. D3lonely
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