So I headed down to 40 Hands again,
a few weeks after my first time there.
We ordered a cup of coffee each, and a basket of truffle fries.

The weather was rather warm that day, so I opted for an Iced Latte instead.
In true honesty, I regretted ordering that. I should stick to my usual hot cuppa coffee.
At least, I will be able to taste and savour the good coffee taste brewed by the wonderful 40 Hands staff!
They have paintings on the wall which I was very amused by it during my first visit.
And as I was the last few to be in the cafe still, I took the opportunity to snap shots of me,
with the paintings in my photos too.
We stayed till Forty Hands had to close for the day, which was 7pm,
and made our way to BooksActually.
How could I NOT spot this during my last visit to BooksActually?
My favorite Kueh Tutu. LOL!
I never fail to buy this whenever I am at the pasar malam.
Chocolate kueh tutu.... AWESOME STUFF!
Before making my trip to Yong Siak Street, I was at Henderson Industrial.
And I spotted this car decal and I had to take a photo of it!
"Zaza" - That's my nickname for my name: Feliza! :p
You may like to read about my previous visit to Forty Hands and BooksActually to get a better idea of the place.... Simply click [HERE]. Cheers!~ :)
*** 40 Hands and BooksActually are located at Yong Siak Street (Tiong Bahru area). There is an open-air public carpark for cars to park, turn into the carpark entrance that is between Block 79 and 80. ***
4 Response to To Tiong Bahru again: 40 Hands and Book Actually
You look very beautiful today,like the Maroon top, simple but you just look very attractive with it,D3lonely
You look so beautiful, D3lonely
You are really very beautiful. Really sexy, anyone who win your heart will be the most blessed man, D3lonely,
I won't said you are the most beautiful girl in the world, but trust me, you are a very beautiful girl, not because to make you smile, or not because attract by your sexiness, but you are pretty from your look especially in real person. Yes, you do have dry hair, but it will never cover your beauty, the dress you wear just make you look more sexy, but it your look that kill. No guys can ever escape from your electric eyes, and the lip that look so sexy and tasteful always, from head to toes you just look beautiful princess, D3lonely
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