Not sure about you, but I do like to go shopping by myself sometimes. Other than the fact that I need not feel bad about making my shopping partner to wait around, I can shop in my own comfortable pace. Of course, there are times where I need a second opinion. And that's where the camera phone, Whatsapp (to my sis) and social media come to my rescue for my indecisiveness! :p
I have a VERY bad habit of buying clothes in different colors but of the same design. This is something that I am trying very hard to stop doing. But sometimes, the design fits me to the T that I can't help but to do so. *guilty* So when I came across this top (as seen in picture below), I couldn't decide on which color to buy...
I have a VERY bad habit of buying clothes in different colors but of the same design. This is something that I am trying very hard to stop doing. But sometimes, the design fits me to the T that I can't help but to do so. *guilty* So when I came across this top (as seen in picture below), I couldn't decide on which color to buy...
Red is my favorite color... So I liked this alot.

But I felt it might be kinda 'loud'.
Afterall the front cutting is rather 'attention-grabbing' already.
(That's my new Dior bag which I have been carrying recently, will blog about it, with pics! Yay~)

And I thought the navy blue color is more subtle...
And I REALLY couldn't choose between these 2, so I ended up NOT buying any of it.
But few days later, I was back at the Mango store, but this time, at another branch. I was looking for a coat, which I bought this one eventually (as pictured below)...And I REALLY couldn't choose between these 2, so I ended up NOT buying any of it.
Neither too thick nor thin.
Great for normal day wear or to cooler countries with probably a 16-20 degrees Celsius.. or even at 10-12 degree celsius (at least for me lah~).
And pardon the way that I looked, was out without makeup.
Great for normal day wear or to cooler countries with probably a 16-20 degrees Celsius.. or even at 10-12 degree celsius (at least for me lah~).
And pardon the way that I looked, was out without makeup.

Then I saw the top which I was so indecisive about...
And yes, I bought the top eventually.
The Navy Blue color. Heh! yup this one >>
Anyway, bought these few weeks ago, probably a good 3 to 4 weeks ago.
Haven't wear the navy blue top yet.
But I wore the coat when I was away in Taipei awhile ago.
By the way... Wow, today is 29 February... 2012 is a Leap Year. Happens only once every 4 years. And this is my thoughts on Leap Year and Love:
Abit skeptical on new love you may say, but hey, you can't blame a Cancerian for being overly-cautious! :p
4 Response to Mango Clothes Shopping! Leap Year!
You always look so attractive and beautiful,D3lonely
You always look so attractive and beautiful. D3lonely
Even without the make up, you look beautiful. D3lonely
Hope everything go well for u,you always look extra beauty with a smile,but know what? Even with no make up,and foundation you still look so beautiful,you're really a very attractive lady princess feliza,beautiful not only by your sexy but overall, a pretty princess by the cover and inner world, d3lonely
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