From my previous post (Click HERE to read), you would have known that I have permed my hair. The next few days and weeks ever since was like a trial for me. Firstly, I have never permed my hair in my entire life until that day at Salon De Choix. Secondly, I didn't have much knowledge as to how to maintain those curls, as well as the 'tactics' to have those curls after a hair wash.
I was quite frustrated that my hair was not as curled as what I would want it to be, so off to Salon De Choix for a so-called 'Post-Perm 101 Lesson' by my hair stylist, Elein. Once I arrived at the salon, I was given a quick hairwash and then, rather than she demonstrated for me and did it entirely by herself... I told Elein that I wanted her to instruct me while I do it myself. Since afterall, I will have to be the one to do it for myself from that day onwards, thus might as well learn it through the hands-on method. I believe you will agree that it was the best way to learn.
So here's the steps to style your permed hair after a hair wash:
1. Towel dry your hair.
2.Put on hair serum and hair styling product.
3. Blow dry your hair till about 70% dry.
4. Divide your hair into several sections.
5. Twirl each section into tight coils using your fingers.
6. Blow dry each section of the twirled hair.
7. When hair is almost dry, scrunch your hair to give it a bouncy effect.
From that day onwards, I didn't have much problems with getting my hair all curled up. However, I have to admit that it takes up a lot of time (especially the blow-drying part). During my 'pre-permed hair days', I would simply take the hair dryer and quickly blow dry my hair in whatever ways I wanted (since all I needed was to have my hair dried) and head straight to bed. But now, I have to do the above steps (minus the hair styling product since I will be going to sleep) and blow dry section by section. Very tedious, especially if one is supeeeeer tired and all one wants to do is to SLEEP IMMEDIATELY. Therefore, vanity comes with a price. But in the first place, 'Sleep' does not come with a price tag. Or does it? Hmmm....Other than that, I am loving my permed hair! I think I look better with curled hair than ultra-straight hair. Maybe I should try the hair straightening process for a comparison. How about that? Haha!
Anyway, these are my photos taken after my visit to the salon...
*I deserved some camwhoring time since I was quite a fast learner / good student! LOL!*
In the cab...

Wore the 'Queen of Spades' Dress from Lily Pirates.
Got it during KissJane's Store Opening at Vivocity.Looks nicer. What do you think?
Love ya! Muacks!
My hair. The next day to work.
If you are interested to make an appointment at Salon De Choix,
mention my name 'Feliza' when you call to the salon
and get 15% discount off your total bill~
(Not applicable for promotions)
Salon De Choix is located at:
3 Killiney Road #01-06
Winsland House 1
Singapore 239519
9 Response to After My Hair Perm. Camwhore Time!
You look beautiful in every angle,sexy, attractive, get well soon. D3lonely
You are really a very sexy, pretty and attractive lady. Sexy and pretty in photos, but far more pretty and sexy in real. With or without makeup, you just so attractive. Hope to see more of your photos or video. D3lonely
You have a wonderful figure. Great body curve. An super attractive look. D3lonely
Your cake maybe pretty but I more interest w you extreme beautiful look. You are pretty and sexy, attractive and lovely. Hope to see more of your own photo. D3lonely
Feliza, you are a very attractive lady. It not difficult to fall in love with you even you are with your naked face. You are far more beautiful. Even without makeup, it hard not to fall in love with you. When I first came across your blog, I attractive by your sweet and cute look, and day by day, year by year, you just grow in beauty. You born to be a very sexy and beautiful lady. You have big boobs, but yet your pretty not come from the boobs, but your look. Miss the time when you still a model, able to see you more often. You are beautiful Feliza, a real beauty, sexy even by a simple pose. You just a joy to watch. D3lonely
You are already very beautiful and sexy at the age of 16, and now at 25, you grow in beauty and become more and more sexy. Your voice are sweet, and in real, you are a very attractive lady. It never easy to breathe by looking at you but yet it hard to take my eyes away from you. I don't know how other feel of you, but I really attract by you. I believe any guy who can form family with you will be the most blessed guy. To be able to see you every morning and night will be the dream of many I guess. D3lonely
Feliza, you are definitely gorgeous, definitely perfection lady.
Remember the first time saw your photo, my first impression: you're a sweet and cute girl.
First time saw you in a event: you are beautiful and extreme sexy in a bikini.
First time saw you without makeup at a Harvey norman show at expo: you look so beautiful even with a white T and short with your naked face.
And after years, from the last time saw you at funan, and all your new photos update, I just feel that, you are a extremely gorgeous, sexy, fair lady. It not difficult to spot you in a crowd as your beauty really stand up. D3lonely
It been 23 hours since your last twitter posting, 8 days no photos of you being update, and 31 days without update on your blog. Can't wait to read any news or even photos of you. =( d3lonely.
Hair: A functional 10. Dress: Stylish, your reserve keeps it a 10. Keep Smiling! :Þ
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